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writing pad

Next course:
Dates to be confirmed
St. John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge

Course details


The next course will be held at St John's innovation centre in Cambridge.

Dates: To be Confirmed.

Topics covered

The two-day course covers the following topics:

Day 1: Technical writing basics (three hours)

  • Presenting a model for technical communication
  • Techniques for improving the effectiveness of your writing
  • Examples of technical documentation: the good, the bad and the ugly
  • Technical authoring tools and resources
  • Writing exercises

Day 2: Structuring information and drafting copy (three hours)

  • Typical elements in technical documentation: table of contents, index, glossary, sections, chapters, titles, figures, graphics and tables
  • Organising information: concepts, tasks, procedures, steps, lists, examples and references
  • Ensuring consistency: use of style guides
  • Sample templates and checklists
  • The structured writing process:
    1. Defining user requirements
    2. Determining the communication medium
    3. Producing a documentation plan or outline
    4. Writing the first draft
    5. Reviewing and updating your document
  • Writing exercises